General FAQ

Here are some frequently asked questions we get here at The Bunny Lass. If you still have questions contact us.

Are The Bunny Lass products safe for pets?

While our products are made with pet-friendly ingredients, we recommend keeping all scented products out of reach of pets and ensuring good ventilation in your home. Always check with your vet if you have concerns related directly to your pets health, especially  if your pet has any respiratory related conditions or illnesses. 

How long do your wax melts last?

The scent longevity depends on various factors, but typically, our wax melts provide 8-12 hours of fragrance per melt.

Can I mix different scents of wax melts?

 Absolutely! In fact, it is encouraged. Feel free to experiment with different combinations to create your unique scent blend.

How do I dispose of leftover wax? 

Allow the wax to cool and solidify, then gently pop it out of the warmer. You can dispose of it in your regular trash or compost bin, as our wax is biodegradable.

Do you offer refills for your candles?

Currently, we don't offer refills, but we're always looking for ways to improve our sustainability. Stay tuned to our social media for updates!